Curriculum and Instruction

Crystal Appel

Crystal Appel

Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction Department
Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext. 1521

The Walton County School District's Curriculum and Instruction Department's Supervisor is responsible for K-12 Literacy (Reading & Writing), academic programs, professional development and student services. In addition to supervision of all Curriculum and Instruction personnel and programs; specific areas also include Instructional Materials, AdvancED/Cognia, School Improvement, Accountability, MSID Contact, ESSA school identification data and report cards, NWRI contact, and provides support for school administration and collaborates with all stakeholders to support the development of goals and objectives of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data.

Cathy Hall

Cathy Hall

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 ext. 1548

Coordinator of English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Title III/Title III Immigrant, Teacher Out-of-Field Plans, Spanish translation services,  Foreign Exchange Program, Seal of Biliteracy, Migrant, World Languages, Renaissance Place/STAR, and Library Media. Assists the Curriculum and Instruction Department by dissemination of legislative information, providing support to Coordinators with historical information for all programs, OneRoster instructional materials support,  collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, and collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data, performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 ext. 1363
Advanced placement, Acceleration Success, SAT/PSAT/ACT, Biophilia, Career and Technical Education to include Secondary Perkins Grant, Title IV, Credit Recovery, Science content support including science fair and academic competitions, STEM and STEAM Projects to include Project Lead the Way, FIRST Lego League and Odyssey of the Mind, Secondary Programs including Digital Curriculum and Instruction, K-12 Math, K-12 Science, Code of Conduct and collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and WCSD Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program content area data and performs other duties as assigned by Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Donna Honish

Donna Soley

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext. 1319

Coordinator of Home Education, State Assessments, Attendance, Sunshine State Scholar, Hope Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship, Family Empowerment Scholarship, Talented Twenty, Bright Futures, Dropout Prevention Program including Teenage Parent, Guidance Support Plan, Student Progression Plan, District database for scholarship awards, collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and WCSD Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data, performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Jaime Mitchell

Jaime Mitchell

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext: 1514

Coordinator of Virtual Programs, Controlled Open Enrollment, Fine Arts, Physical Education, collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up,  collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data and performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Lori Hughes

Lori Hughes

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext. 1505

Coordinator of District Volunteer Program, Parent/Community Involvement, K-12 Social Studies, Student Mentor Program, collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data and performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Myca Chandler

Myca Chandler

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 ext. 1410

Federal programs including Title 1, Part A, N & D;  Title II, Part A , and Title IX, CARES/ESSER, Professional Learning, AVID,  assists CFO with comparability, Teacher Leader Development, New Teacher Induction, Teacher Mentor program, collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content are data, performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Sharon Wheeless

Sharon Wheeless


Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext. 1827

Coordinator of Mental Health/Psychological Services, Social Services Community Liaison related to responsibilities, Alternative Placement, MTSS (PS/RtI + PBS) processes and provides guidance through SBIT and PBS contacts, DJJ Transition Contact, K-12 intervention programs for academic and behavioral services and student risk assessment, FLDOE reporting, Office of Civil Rights contact, School Safety Liaison to include YMHFA training; Safe Schools Taskforce and Student threat, risk, & behavior assessments, Foster Care contact and collaborates with all curriculum coordinators to support school improvement efforts, collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data and performs other duties as assigned by the Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.

Stefanie West

Stefanie West

Telephone: (850) 892-1100 Ext, 1825

Coordinates Exceptional Student Education (ESE) including IEP & 504 Plans, PreK Disabilities, FSAA Administration, McKay Scholarships, Deaf/Hard of Hearing services, Visually Impaired services, Assistive Technology services, Hospital Homebound services, Occupational and Physical Therapy (OP/PT), Gifted and Talented Program, Medicaid Reimbursements,  Speech and Language services, IDEA,  and collaborates with district and school staff to ensure data accuracy, assists in the development and implementation of the WCSD Student Progression Plan and Code of Conduct, plans professional development for related programs, including entering components in ePDC and monitoring follow-up, supervises assigned personnel, conducts annual performance appraisals and submits PAFs, collaborates with colleagues to support development of objectives to meet goals of the District Strategic Plan by sharing all relevant program and content area data and performs other duties as assigned by the Director of Student Services or Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction.