College Admissions
AmeriCorps: Independent agency of the US government that engages adults in service through volunteer work programs
Apprenticeship Job Finder: US Department of Labor’s web tool to locate registered apprenticeships.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program: Department of Defense’s online system to assess career aptitudes and explore college, career, and military options.
Big Future: Free online resource that helps students plan for college, pay for college, and explore careers.
CollegeNavigator: National Center for Education Statistics’ tool to learn more about postsecondary training institutions.
Florida Trend’s NEXT: Magazine designed for college-bound students that includes crucial information in a teen-friendly format.
Florida Shines: Florida’s Student Hub to help learners succeed in school, earn a college degree, and embark on a rewarding career.
GetMyFuture: US Department of Labor site that includes career interest inventories, career information, career videos, and numerous college and career readiness resources.
Get There: Florida’s official site to explore Career and Technical Education pathways.
My Florida Future: Data dashboard produced by the Florida State University System to show typical loan amounts and wages by degree.